Dear society #3

Dear society,
What happened to those days when we all wanted to be princesses and paleontologists or lawyers?
Then years down the road you (society)  warps our imaginations and taints them with cruel thoughts and actions. Innocence is lost and experience is gained. Is there a way to retap into the Innocence not for the sake of ignorance but inspiration, to go back to a time where everything was possible.
I understand that coming in the world of symbols we lose everything prior to the mirror stage but even after the sense of “self”  there is something still imagination there. The world of symbols takes away so much and yet adds to the world we know. I think that we have been digressing. Signs are being changed and less and less thought is being added to this world. But tap into imagination don’t let it be destroyed.

Dear Society #2

Dear society,
Do we really need all these selfies?
What’s with the new selfie stick? I can’t walk any where without girls, guys, groups of people shoving their phone up in the air. Also snap chat yes it can be harmless fun but after a while how many times can you send the same goofy face… 
It might be just me but all these social media spots are nearly forcing people to perfect the selfie.  Do some of my posts while I’m doing cardio because I have the clearest thoughts and even seeing people take selfies at the gym is hilarious “hey guys look I’m at the gym getting swoll”
Why don’t you out your phone down and pick up some weights? But at the same time it’s none of my business. I take pictures with my friends but we also have a system in our group. When we get some place we text friends and family that we got somewhere safely and that we will talk to them later and then place our phones away.
So dear society. Cool it on the selfies, look up and meet someone new, smile at someone.

Dear society post 1

Dear society,
Is it really necessary to make costumes for women that don’t cover anything. Is Halloween an excuse for women to wear their inner whore and men to get as drunk as possible? Why has America made another holiday a reason to drunk? All hypothetical questions but I’m raising awareness to ask every one to WAKE UP.
Women, you want to be respected, why don’t you lengthen your costume, put your boobs away and respect yourself. HALLOWEEN is not meant to be a reason to be a whore. Just because it’s a “holoday”  doesn’t mean every one has to go and make poor decisions.
Don’t get me wrong parties can be fun but there is a limit between having fun and being cognitive then there is crossing the line where individuals do things they may/may not claim to know  what they are doing and just because they’ve had alcohol they try to make it an adequate excuse. 
So dear society, wake up don’t be careless and make an excuse to drink. If individuals are adults just drink don’t make an excuse because it’s a holiday and warp the holiday to make it what it’s not.

Dear society…

Dear society is going to be my new headline along with

“Dear Humanity” . Reason being is I saw a movie called Dear White People and I absolutely loved the format and the story line. It was sarcastic and showed social stereotypes.  I am going to start my post with inspiration from the movie.
First post will start tomorrow. Tune in

Expectations for a Woman:

Dear men,
Women don’t get up and do their hair, make up and coordinate outfits for us. Due to media the bar has been set at impossible Heights for women to be “perfeft” . Models are not the everyday woman. They have struggles as well but they aren’t the everyday. So men listen. You want a real woman, look at their car check around and see how neat it is, neat as in organized just to clarify, that’s where their head is. If it is cluttered that’s where their mind is but don’t take it at shelf value investigate. Women are fragile but have become more independent because men don’t know how to be gentlemen any more. They are out for the next big thing and lately both genders are to blame. You want a woman to be loyal and treat you right, well buck up and respect her like your mother, protect her like a sibling, and love her as if you could never love anything more. Material items are out if someone is a materialist then that’s what you can base your relationship on, but scratch off the service and see what you’re getting into.
Dear women,
You don’t want to be viewed as a whore by the double standard society has placed, don’t sleep with every man you see. Dress to impress not to receive attention. Just because the new fad is to have your ass hanging out of shorts and your entire midreff showing doesn’t mean your should wear it. Respect yourself and others will respect you but also discern who you want to be with. Don’t be superficial or a gold digger. Karma will hit hard. Be natural I understand to put a mask on is to impress but it’s a lie. If a man can’t view you as beautiful in sweats/yoga pants and a tank top of shirt he isn’t meant for you.
I’m not here to do match making but if you all step back and evaluate your standards instead of societies maybe men and women could be better off by themselves and with someone.
Society and media have warped so many things including reality and how reality should be instead of understanding TV is a simulation of reality. It’s not real. Wake up people.

Lack of sleep.

When that second wind hits
All I start to think of is
“what’s next”
My mind races without a sound
Not one solid thought but a continuation
Of things colliding, crashing into the walls of my mind
What do I need to do who do I need to please
Will I be enough
One day one night I’ll be able to have clear solid thoughts
And lay my head down confidently and sleep
Sleep through the troubles of the world
Sleep through the heartbreak and decisions you’re not sure you should have made
Sleep through the moments others miss Just sleep.
Yes this is free verse and very different
And yes I warned you my thought of collision not formulating
Feeling like a slam poem where I have an uncatoragized rhythm
Wishing to feel my mind slow down instead of wander
Pondering what thoughts will collide next
What muscle will I workout or cook tomorrow at work
What will my body think want to go shopping for Halloween
My mind racing racing racing.
Time to try to sleep sleep sleep. 

All Sorts of Bonds

The importance of Bonds can be crucial in today’s society. There are also many different kind of bonds:
1. Comradery- frat house type of bond a brotherhood or sisterhood. A group of individuals that have no blood relation (normally)  and live, sweat, bleed, eat, and etc. together. They have mostly the same mindset and same set of morals.
2. Bonds of outcasts- a group of individuals who are (for the most part)  rejected in socio-psychological sense. They have gifts that others view as “odd”  and are collectively a striving group.
3. Cliques- normally girls that have been at a certain status that continue their so called “legacy”  through out the years after high school and remain in the same mindset of high-school.
4. Family bonds- family here meaning whom you couldn’t chose as family. Blood relatives or those family has married into. Each is different and most of you have experienced the pro’s and con’s of this.
5. Framily- (friends you’ve chosen as fakily)  these are the bonds which to my opinion have the greatest connection. These are those who can be there at any point in time and be there. Kick any ones ass who crosses the group any way, or needs a helping hand. These are the people who are even closer than family and understand you better than yourself.
6. Co-worker/classmates- the close knit group that you have common interests with and chose to hang out and these people because of maturity and similarity may become part of group 5.
My responsibility is to address most groups I don’t have the power nor time or ability to list all the bonds but these will be mostly seen in society today. But once understood these can be helpful to place and evaluate and understand the bond between other people.

“Let’s go out”

The dreaded phrase after a long day “hey what are you doing”  same response “nothing”  yet by stating nothing is wrong beyond reason because one cannot simply be doing nothing. That’s besides the point. I’m not for one for getting dressed up putting on eyeliner and mascara and driving to find that there is hardly any parking, going into a crowded loud bar or multiple bars to pay $9 for a drink.
I love my friends but sometimes well most times I want to rest. I wake up, go to the gym, work, come home have dinner and most times I want to take a hot shower and relax, even if it is Friday or Saturday night. Call me boring or old but I enjoy relaxing, watching TV, playing video games, and cooking a nice meal for myself.
The generation have changed, the younger crowd are too obnoxious and promiscuous for me. So that phrase “Let’s go out”  quite scares me at some parts. I can handle it every once in awhile with a very good friend but just not every weekend.

I’m not quite sure

People cease to amaze me. I feel as if some individuals feel they can do anything at any cost, even if a person’s life is involved.
I don’t need to go into the story in detail but the fact that people have become so self consumed in their own daily occurrences that It’s fun too analyse them. I feel as if I’ve become a character in Hawthorne’ unpardonable sin.
This man gets curious as to which sin is unforgivable.  He leaves his town and goes on a journey (take it this was a part of the time of the puritan way of life)  but on that journey of studying people he commits the “unpardonable sin” . It’s viewing individuals as not as individuals but a subject to be studied. They have become subjects in a cruel experiment. I haven’t gone as fast as viewing persons as subjects but to the extent that some people have done this and that others around them simply do not matter in this world.
Instead of waking up with a mindset of there are other people in this world and I should be considerate of them being people they chose not to. I’m on the search for understanding not explanation. Understanding is the inner arch of hermeneutics and not interpretation of explanation. People claim there are multiple ways to interpret or to each their own interpretation but that’s wrong. Analysis and inner word of a message needs to be sought out. The inner word can not be explained in words or through any form of language but I will have a post on a very rid bit of hermeneutics but to search for a higher horizon of understanding.
All in all back to the original thought people still amaze me even though I shouldn’t but onward to a new adventure and a new day.