Can’t wait!

Sorry everyone it’s been quite a while. I’ve been through a whirlwind of events and emotions. I took a few trips and loved every second. I will be finishing my last year for my English degree then will be taking the cbes for subbing and I am so excited to move in with someone within the next few months. I came into three new job offers so no more struggling there. I hope every one is doing well this was just a tiny update. I will be back on due to the fact I have service now. I don’t own a computer or lap top or tablet so I’m strictly to my phone at the moment. I’m not sure if I mentioned before but I always apologize for grammar or spelling errors due to lack of editing on my part. But then again this is a raw blog. Each post is in the moment of that emotion,  blockaiding that moment in time of inspiration. Even though every piece of my work is so subjective and can be deconstructed but I chose each word that I want and leave out any other word it could be. That’s the beauty of language. We all know what something is by what it’s not. It really blows your mind when you take a few moments (or a semester)  to realize the life of binaries. I’ve truly been humbled the last few months and in that blessed is the same. I have a love whom will always be there for me. My best friend trav that will always be by my side. Cam and Kaleigh whom always know how to cheer me up and am excited about our future events. Soon I will be coming under a new name and I cannot wait. So here is to a new path and a better, healthier, happier, and thriving lifestyle. Thank you for tuning in and not forgetting about me. I had met forgot about any of you just needed to reevaluate life choices and be more concerned and discerned with making the right ones. Remove posion, include God in every day, listen to mentors, trust in love, and enjoy every second of life. Even though you may be going through a tough time, it will be a grain of sand when you get past it and always carry the thought that it isn’t that bad. Don’t live in emotion but of knowledge. So many tid bits but I’m so ecstatic to share this new life with you all. I have to thank you as well as a way of being my healthy outlet on my way to success and I hope all of you find that state of pure joy.