New start

Taking on a huge challenge but excited for the change. People I’ve walked away from are not in my future for a reason. They were posion and parasites. Any one who can not help you and push you to where you want to be or get to is because they don’t have a vison, they don’t understand yours and will never understand your decisions.
I’ve taken on a challenge and will complete it next June but will speak about that later. I’ve met the man I’m going to marry and cannot wait to go back with him to meet his parents after my birthday. All of the friends I’ve kept and actually care and aren’t backstabbing liars have made major changes in their lives and I couldn’t be more proud. I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything and I apologize deeply but I am here on my incline up the next small Hill to my next goal. I am excited for this next book in my life and exciting new Ventures.
