
Some of you might say this post is nearly a week old but it’s not quite about one day. The US celebrates Thanksgiving due to the pilgrims landing here yet why are they celebrated for slaughtering other beings? Well I don’t want to get into that but I want to touch base on the day alone. Why does only one day have to be taken out to give thanks for what we have and I believe every country should celebrate a day of thanks.
Every day people should be thankful they woke up and have health and those who don’t have health I’m proud of you for battling through whatever you may have. People may blame God but they may not understand God is not of this world. He doesn’t give what he doesn’t have (sickness, poverty, death, disease)  I’m not pushing religion on any of those but don’t blame someone you have no idea what he is about.
This world is slowly crumbling but to give thanks to those around you should be every day. Thank those who have picked you up when you thought no one could possibly love you, thank those who hold a door open for you or pick up your tab at a bar or restaurant, give thanks to others who do good for you and others.
Don’t let hallmark get the best of another Holiday. Also there is no need to stuff your face and blame the turkey that you’re tired or over stuffed haha. I have to go to (on average)  6 houses per holiday and am sick of food by the third one. I also don’t get why family gatherings only have to be on holidays. I have family dinner on Mondays on my mom’s side but wish more families would share their life with other family members and be thankful that they have them. So please as word of caution next year share what you’re thankful for at each meal and show thanks every day until next Thanksgiving (for those in the USA)  but for all the rest of you start a day of giving thanks.

New outlook

Today I took my boss to see his new house. Well, what will be his new house and we took my car. To put in perspective he drives an hse luxe range Rover. I have a ’07 Mustang with 122,000 plus miles on it and he kind of felt that I was a humble person. He saw that even though I didn’t have everything I made due with what I had and enjoy it. On the other hand he showed me that with the right person in your life that can show you that you don’t have to work your butt off to live was a nice change. I’ve been blessed with this new adventure and am still excited to see where it goes.
Like I mentioned before I was lost and I hoped and prayed for a way and a few days later, days not weeks or years, an opertunity presented it self and I went full throttle.
But back to the new outlook don’t underestimate what people can do for you or what you can do for people.  I’m using one of my gifts to cook for my boss and am changing his life. He has M.S.  and the past few years looked dull for him but he can pulled a 180 and I’m so blessed to see his progress. All it takes is to have one person on your side that has a positive attitude and integrity. A quick tip those around you who don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. Those who don’t celebrate you and just tolerate you should not be a part of your life. Don’t let a parasite hook on to you as a host and drain life out of you. Let today be the day where you take a new outlook and help someone or meet someone you normally wouldn’t. Not that you know whom you will And will not meet but try to meet as many people as you possibly can. You never know whose life you will touch or vice versa. I also apologize for using such a heavy “you”  it’s not meant to point fingers but an encouragement.



I had a moment of enlightenment this morning. I woke up by the ocean and had a doppio espresso and watched the water as the tide rolled in. As the waves, in continual motion crashed against the rockline I had a moment of peace. Now peace is not the lack of conflict around you but peace is the lack of conflict within you. I reminisced about one of my favorite books. Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. I’m not Buddhist but the story wasn’t about the real Siddhartha. It was about a character who at first conformed to the framework of “religion”  and through earthly treasures and the wrong kind of love broke out of the trap gave up everything and became an enlightened man.
His best friend and him left their village to join the elders of their religion and after a few years he said it wasn’t for him while his friend continued to stay because he thought that was the only way to achieve enlightenment.
Years after his friend met him by he river and was astonished and flabbergasted because after all these years it was Siddhartha (by going his own path and not the one society as places as the “only way”)  has reached enlightenment.
By sitting by the water I had an


monent and couldn’t believe that I’m finally at a place in my life where I know where I’m suppose to be. I’ve been though heart break, and trials that I couldn’t begin to explain and half of you wouldn’t believe me. In honest truth I had an amazing morning and will be remembered. Thank you for sharing this with me everyone.

Why lifetime?

Why are there so many cheesy movies towards Christmas? Most have the same story line and same horrible acting. Well the writers mostly made the horrible acting happen. Why are these actors only on lifetime movies did they get blacklisted? Some of them are very good and could be in movies that reach the theatre. I wish lifetime would spend more time on their writing. I know that mostly women watch that chanel and to be honest some things are quite interesting to watch but other times I can see people putting that chanel on for just background noise and I feel guilty for people that had to word hard to get those parts.
Acting is a very challenging thing. Facial expression, method, line rehearsal, forming bond with other cast members and wardrobe. I just can’t understand how this chanel is still up and running. I would like to hear from the people that watch it religiously. Don’t you have a better taste in writing? I understand that every piece of literature but there can only be so much analysis done to them. I can rip apart a kids story more than one of the movies. There is nothing vigorous about it or enthusing. This could be just me but I guess I appreciate literature more and the world of writers and actors.

New day new headache

I’ve never known people to be so clueless sometimes. Where has the logic and rational gone in this world. I have become to believe people chose their lives to be difficult. There is a slight chance that some brilliant individuals have been set in a bad area but I’ve always viewed the world through this motto “you cannot help the hand you were dealt but you can learn how to play it”  there is no folding in the real world and it is constantly unfolding.
It does not stop for a death, or if someone gets fired, or any other dilemma. The recognition that something is difficult and that you’ll make it through is the real issue. Once a situation is analysed, then all there is left is to make the issue not bigger than you. Break through that wall.. But remember the grass isn’t greener on the other side. Grass is grass and is green when watered but at some point in order to have grass you have to plant seeds.
Nothing is EVER as bad as it first appears- Sammy Maloof.


Sorry everyone haven’t been feeling up to par lately.
I have to say though what is with all of the Christmas gear? As soon as Halloween ended it is like everyone forgot November existed and skipped to Christmas.
Christmas is suppose to be about family not material items or how many lights you can put up or decorations. When did hallmark take over holidays. As Americans or even citizens of the world, when did we become so possessive and materialistic? Once again media you have won and for the individuals that aren’t aware of hegemony taking place, I offer you a piece of advice: first look up hegemony and understand that you are smack dab in the middle of it, recognize the media is a form of ideological state apparatus and you are feeding into the mass.
Be aware of purchases and where the products are being made. I’m not saying outsourcing isnt good but take a moment and realize how much is going on. If you recognize that these kids the “new generation”, have no idea how to work with their hands. They are born with Ipads and tablets out of the womb. The forgot or don’t even real-life how privileged they have become because they have not had to work for anything. They have been handed the world on a silver platter. Yes technology has done so much for us but it should be limited. Stop being lazy. That goes the same for you parents. And those who take offense, it just means that something in you agrees with this but takes denial form because you do not want to admit fault or failure. In the end it is you that has failed your children and when they are adults they fail themselves. Let technology help in the medical field and restraunts, where they utilize and maximize business and health not to stare at your phone and lose social skills. Take account how much people look at their phones or are Facebook doing mindless things instead of reading a book with their child or playing games or heck even walking outside. Not having my phone for the past few days was relaxing and amazing. So people take this challenge: measure how long you are on the phone during the day and tally it up, keep account for how long is mindless and how much was necessary. If the mindless and bull crap out weigh necessity maybe a change should be taken. Just food for thought.

Dear Society

Dear society,
When did you become so lazy?
I went to Disneyland quite a while ago and the escalator was out and the sign stated “escalator broken please take stairs” . I am sorry I’m quite unaware that escalators werent stairs when they are stationary. I had a good laugh but another problem I’ve been having is parking.
Why do people search for the closest parking spaces at places like the gym or the mall, are you not going to be working out or walking for hours on end? A few extra steps won’t hurt. Also what is with giving morbidly obese individuals handicap placards to take up a parking space for those who may be disabled not by choice. The food did not make you that way you made yourself that way. You didn’t have to put everything in your mouth.
Also at the gym I attend, it is connected to the mall. I don’t visit the mall that often to shop so I was skeptical at first having all he mall traffic to deal with but my point I’m getting is there is an elevator going to the gym. If people are abl d bodies and are going to work out why can’t you take those 36 steps up stairs? People have yet to amaze me. So dear society get your steps in. Stay healthy.

Dear society #3

Dear society,
What happened to those days when we all wanted to be princesses and paleontologists or lawyers?
Then years down the road you (society)  warps our imaginations and taints them with cruel thoughts and actions. Innocence is lost and experience is gained. Is there a way to retap into the Innocence not for the sake of ignorance but inspiration, to go back to a time where everything was possible.
I understand that coming in the world of symbols we lose everything prior to the mirror stage but even after the sense of “self”  there is something still imagination there. The world of symbols takes away so much and yet adds to the world we know. I think that we have been digressing. Signs are being changed and less and less thought is being added to this world. But tap into imagination don’t let it be destroyed.

Dear Society #2

Dear society,
Do we really need all these selfies?
What’s with the new selfie stick? I can’t walk any where without girls, guys, groups of people shoving their phone up in the air. Also snap chat yes it can be harmless fun but after a while how many times can you send the same goofy face… 
It might be just me but all these social media spots are nearly forcing people to perfect the selfie.  Do some of my posts while I’m doing cardio because I have the clearest thoughts and even seeing people take selfies at the gym is hilarious “hey guys look I’m at the gym getting swoll”
Why don’t you out your phone down and pick up some weights? But at the same time it’s none of my business. I take pictures with my friends but we also have a system in our group. When we get some place we text friends and family that we got somewhere safely and that we will talk to them later and then place our phones away.
So dear society. Cool it on the selfies, look up and meet someone new, smile at someone.

Dear society post 1

Dear society,
Is it really necessary to make costumes for women that don’t cover anything. Is Halloween an excuse for women to wear their inner whore and men to get as drunk as possible? Why has America made another holiday a reason to drunk? All hypothetical questions but I’m raising awareness to ask every one to WAKE UP.
Women, you want to be respected, why don’t you lengthen your costume, put your boobs away and respect yourself. HALLOWEEN is not meant to be a reason to be a whore. Just because it’s a “holoday”  doesn’t mean every one has to go and make poor decisions.
Don’t get me wrong parties can be fun but there is a limit between having fun and being cognitive then there is crossing the line where individuals do things they may/may not claim to know  what they are doing and just because they’ve had alcohol they try to make it an adequate excuse. 
So dear society, wake up don’t be careless and make an excuse to drink. If individuals are adults just drink don’t make an excuse because it’s a holiday and warp the holiday to make it what it’s not.