Certain things bring people together or tear them apart. We live in a world of binaries to be honest. Each sign or symbol relies on its other to be. I am who I am because of every one I’m not. It goes back to deconstruction and study of signs and symbols but the point I’m getting to will be here soon.
Talking with certain people that share interests with you is being in affinitive connections. People gather to common grounds and speak a like and do similar things because that’s how we live. Human beings are born to be social. Even in personalities people rely on their opposite. But a simple thing, commodity, emotion, or act can bring people from all walks of life together.
An item can mean so much to someone and showing that someone you take an interest in the same object strengthens the bond and allows doors to be open and pulled together. But that item can also tear people away. Now emotions are in my opinion the strongest. So many people gather over hate and dislike instead of embracing hate’s binary, love. Love can be the strongest action in the world. So I purpose that we as a nation, writers, for affinitive connection over love and passion. I so happen to have found love and the passion I have for him just exceeds what I ever thought I could feel. The only outcome is happiness.

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